Medical Treatment or Lifestyle Intervention?

If you are in a state of dis-ease, your body is screaming at you to provide it with some help and self-care, which is almost always remedied, at least in part, by reassessing your lifestyle and making some much-needed improvements. You’re in charge of your body and, while you can seek advice and guidance from a variety of health professionals, your body and your health are ultimately your responsibility.

Food Bullies

Managing peer pressure, food bullies and understanding respectful, non-judgemental behaviour.

The Right Advice

Everyone seems to be a nutrition expert these days. In a sea of information overload, it's important to be wary of the wrong advice.

Understanding the 'why' is key to success

Have you ever been on a diet where you're told what you do, but not why? No wonder it was almost impossible to stick with long term!

The Stigma of Being Overweight

There are two sides of sigma relating to physical condition – the judgement of others and the judgement and disapproval of ourselves. The reality of society is that being overweight/obese can negatively impact many areas of our life, such as interaction with others, relationships, employment & livelihood, socialising, engaging in physical activities, sharing experiences with our children and even travelling – restricting overall quality of life. Feeling uncomfortable in your own body or to the extreme, self-loathing, is a very debilitating issue and far more common than you may think. We have two choices – to decide to ‘own it’ or to seek assistance to change it.