Are you a yo-yo dieter?

While I accept doing the program for a week will bring results and is a circuit breaker, I’d urge people to not put their blinkers on and think losing weight is the only point of focus here. Think more about the reason you’re losing weight - making metabolic changes to your health. This is long-term. It’s not one week on, three months off.

Weight Gain: A Blessing In Disguise?

While gaining weight can be seen as a burden, it can be a great window into what lies beneath.

Navigating Obstacles For Long Term Success

There are always obstacles, so for getting into shape and staying there long term, we need to learn how to better manage those most common in our life.

Managing your circadian rhythm

Work with your body, finding its rhythm and it will work well for you in return.

Self Talk: are you being honest with yourself?

Is procrastination or negative self-talk preventing you from reaching your goals?

Is Clutter Holding You Back?

Get your kitchen, fridge and pantry organised for success!