Medical Treatment or Lifestyle Intervention?

If you are in a state of dis-ease, your body is screaming at you to provide it with some help and self-care, which is almost always remedied, at least in part, by reassessing your lifestyle and making some much-needed improvements. You’re in charge of your body and, while you can seek advice and guidance from a variety of health professionals, your body and your health are ultimately your responsibility.

How Quickly Can I Lose Weight?

Once the decision to get healthy and lose weight kicks in, we want it now!! It’s important to be kind to ourselves, have realistic expectations and not think you’re failing because the number on the scales may not be moving as quickly as you’d like.

Are you a yo-yo dieter?

While I accept doing the program for a week will bring results and is a circuit breaker, I’d urge people to not put their blinkers on and think losing weight is the only point of focus here. Think more about the reason you’re losing weight - making metabolic changes to your health. This is long-term. It’s not one week on, three months off.

Portion Sizes

Is plating up time a fair and balanced exercise in your house? It's time to take more notice on portion sizing when dishing up tonight’s dinner.


Ask any health professional how people react when told they have a chronic disease, and the common response is 'What can you do about it?' Few people ask 'What can I do about it?'

A sign of the times

Jenny Craig is closing in the USA after 40 years.