Much of the struggle with addressing our health is a belief that nothing will work.
So many `solutions’ have turned into disappointments and even worse outcomes in the past. This leads to a sense of resignation.
When we give up on our health which, after all, is the only thing that really matters in life because without it we may not even be here, a range of negative satellites start to radiate around us.
Maybe we stop cooking, retreat socially, avoid challenging situations, attract the wrong people to our lives, suffer mood swings which hurt us almost as much as those around us, while reaching for another packet of potato chips.
A star that once shone brightly fades, often over many years, until the dark version eclipses that light.
I see it so often. If you struggle with your weight, it’s usually an area where you feel out of control. So, you give up, and try to put your head in the sand while the little voices continue to niggle.
But once you feel you have your health under control, the whole world changes. This is when the Superman cape appears, and you feel unstoppable. If you can conquer your weight, you can conquer anything. A rush of confidence comes through as the scales show promising results and, most importantly, your health improves.
Physically, there’s also an explanation for this rush in improved outlook. When you start to regulate your blood glucose, you feel like exercising, being organised, being more pro-active. There’s evidence that once your mitochondria – the cells’ engine house – are functioning to their optimum, your blood sugar levels are reducing and your metabolism is functioning properly, you’ll have more sustained energy.
The world changes for people so much when they have this combined emotional and physical boost. There’s a great confidence that can come simply through being more comfortable in your skin. The less comfortable you are, the less outgoing and talkative you are too.
It’s a cycle.
It’s also interesting that while we’re overweight or unwell, we feel extremely self-conscious as though everyone is looking at us, but this is probably something you’re thinking yourself. People tend to be thinking more about themselves than anyone else. But, once you’re comfortable with who you are, you don’t even think about the opinions of others, you feel so liberated and healthy in your own skin that you’re the only one who matters.